How to setup git and configure send-email
The following steps will explain how to setup a git on Ubuntu bash shell and configure your mail ID. Install git and git -core sudo apt-get install git git-core You can also clone, compile and install the latest version of the git git clone make configure ./configure --prefix=/usr make -j8 sudo make install You need to install the following dependency packages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install perl-IO-Socket-SSL libio-socket-ssl-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl perl-mime-tools perl-authen-sasl libauthen-sasl-perl libmime-tools-perl The .gitconfig file will be as below, $ cat .gitconfig [user] name = [Username] email = [Your Mail ID] [sendemail] smtpencryption = tls smtpserver = smtpu...